Cloud Services

What exactly is cloud services in IT ? A cloud services is any resource that is provided over the Internet. The most common cloud service resources are Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Cloud service relies on sharing computing resources rather than having data on local server or personal device to handle applications and files.


Cloud Computing

Loss of the sensitive data potentially greater than the loss of an expensive piece of kit. Cloud computing gives you greater security when this happens. Because your data is stored in the cloud and you can access it anywhere, anytime and on any internet enable device. It no matter what happens to your physical machine.

Cloud computing means you are no longer dependent on ‘being in the office’ in order to access your files and folders and to get the work done. Not only does this enhanced mobility increase productivity, it can also reduce investment in IT infrastructure in the future.

A major concern for smaller businesses is the associated downtime with any IT Infrastructure change. We can ensure that downtime is minimal to Zero, allowing no impact on work.





Disaster Recovery


Automatic Software update


Reduce IT Infrastructure Costs


Increase Collaboration


Document Control




Work from Anywhere


If you would like to find out more about our Cloud computing services, please give us a call on 0800 130 3563 or contact us through the contact form provided on the website.